So, in the past six weeks, I've had a ridiculous number of guys ask me out and then disappear. Clearly, they enjoy the ego boost that comes from a girl saying yes, but for whatever reason they don't feel the need to go out on an actual date. Here's the list of my Incredible Disappearing Romeos!
Superfruity (Why did I ever respond to a guy with such a stupid name?) Asked me out. I said yes. Gave him my number. He sent me a bunch of random texts, but never called. I finally called him at a pre-determined time. He didn't answer. He emailed instead. I responded and asked him to call me. I never heard from him again.
Smoochyshark (again with these names!) Asked me out. I said sure. Sent him my schedule. Never heard from him again.
Mr. Not Sweaty, Fat or Cheap (He was all those things when K went out with him. But he was on his best behavior when I met him a few months later.) Went out. Had a fine time. Ended the night with a "see ya soon." He sent an email the next day asking if I wanted to go out again. I said yes. Never heard from him again.
Weirdo: Kept saying, "Let's Hang." I'd say "sure." He'd respond with a nonsensical one liner. He complained that I wasn't giving him enough love. I pointed out that I knew nothing about him because all his emails were nonsensical. He said, "you can find out more when you meet me." I finally said that if he didn't talk about something real, I would stop responding. He asked me a real question (about my profile.) I sent back a real answer. Never heard from him again.
Psycho guy: Asked me for a Saturday walk. I said yes. Then asked for a Friday drink. I said I was busy. He went psycho. Luckily...I never heard from him again.
eHarmony guy: Asked me out. I said yes. Asked if we could meet late in the evening on a Thursday. I said, why not? We made a plan. Then he canceled. Asked to reschedule to Tuesday. I said yes. Never heard from him again.
Gemini guy: I emailed him on match. He emailed back saying he'd like a date. I said cool. Never heard from him again.
Hot for Teacher: Swapped a few emails. I liked him a lot. He asked me out. I said yes. Never heard from him again.
Whew! That's a lot of rejection coming down on little ole me. No wonder I'm tired of it!