Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Single People in their 30s and 40s are Weird

Yeah, I know what I just said.  I said single people in their 30s and 40s are weird. 

I'm single and in my thirties...approaching 40.  I am in this category of "weird" people.  I get it.  But, I spent the evening at a singles event and there were plenty of single twenty, thirty, and forty somethings there. (Where do the single people over 40 go? It must be tough. I should quit my whining.)

Anyway at this event there were plenty of seemingly normal twenty somethings. They had jobs. Apartments. Roommates. Varied interests. And somewhat moldable personalities.

We thirty and forty somethings were missing some of those vital pieces of normalcy.  Sure we had jobs.  And a place to live.  But most of us had ditched the roommates...and out with the roomies went the varied interests and moldable personalities.

Sure, you gotta grow up sometime. You can't reman a soft ball of clay forever. But somewhere along the way have we lost the abilty to bend without breaking?  Have we lost the ability to follow a different dream every night of the week?  Or try new things?  Or start over?

I met a lot of lovely people tonight but many of them were just a little weird. They had become singularly focused...locked in on the one or two things that define them. The environmentalist's life was entirely focused on that one thing.  It's not that I disagreed.  He's probably right.  But I can't imagine living every day, scared to turn on the a/c in my car because I wanted to make sure my gas mileage doesn't dip below 55 mpg.

Similarly other 30-40 year olds were defined by a love of travel.  Or a job.  Lovely people, all, but it's hard to imagine myself meshing with any of them.

That's just it...isn't it?  I'm every bit as weird as they are.  I am defined by my love of swing dancing, geeky television shows, and the pursuit of an increasingly large cadre of friends...even though I sometimes find myself without time for the ones I've already got.  What one person will ever be willing to join me in all those obsessions?

I am a 30-40 year old, and I am weird.

So, it's not that I'm looking for someone's who's not weird.  I'm looking for someone whose weirdness I can tolerate.  And, even though I met some truly lovely people tonight, none of them fit the bill.

Oh...and The Doctor Who Bit Me was there and I got pilled into a prolonged conversation with him.  Ugh.  'Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get that image of him lounging on that couch thingy with his "come hither" look. Eeewww!
